Submit a report

Information for whistleblowers

Please only provide us with information that is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

For information on data protection, please refer to the privacy policy.

What is the task of an ombudsperson / lawyer of confidence?
Employees and business partners, as well as other external third parties who wish to report a breach of laws or compliance guidelines, are given the opportunity to report their information to an ombudsperson/lawyer in confidence and anonymously, if expressly requested. The use of this tool is free of charge for the reporting person.

We treat the information submitted as strictly confidential. As an ombudsperson/lawyer of confidence, we always act as independent lawyers and are not subject to instructions from the commissioning company.

If you do not enter any data yourself that allows conclusions to be drawn about your person, this procedure ensures sufficient protection of your anonymity.
How is a report made?
- If you would like to submit a report, please fill out the form below.

- Please keep in mind that a report can have adverse consequences for employees, business partners and other affected parties. Therefore, give your information with the greatest care.

- First of all, we ask you whether you would like to file a report or seek our advice as a lawyer of confidence.

- You can choose whether you want to make the report by name or remain anonymous.

- Please indicate which company for which we act as a lawyer of confidence/internal reporting channel is affected.

- Your data or a pseudonym and your email address will then be requested.

- We will then ask you for the content of your report. Please write the notice in such a way that we or our commissioning company are able to follow up on this notice.

- You can also attach a file, such as a photo. Please keep in mind that your information may allow conclusions to be drawn about you.

- If you do not enter any data that allows conclusions to be drawn about your person, this website guarantees technical protection of your anonymity. We assure you that we are only interested in the notice you have reported.
External reporting channel
In addition to the possibility of submitting an internal report to us, the HinSchG provides for the option of an external report.

In such cases, where it is to be expected that effective action can be taken against the breach by an internal report via our reporting channel and you do not have to fear professional reprisals (e.g., dismissal), reporting internally to us may often be preferable. The reason is that we, as the internal reporting channel, will address the reported violation immediately and without lengthy proceedings to those people who can investigate and remedy the violation most quickly.

And: If an internally reported breach has not been remedied, you are still free to contact an external reporting channel afterwards.

External federal reporting channel: The federal external reporting channel has been set up at the Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz, BfJ). The reporting channels through which whistleblowers can contact the external federal reporting office are published on the BfJ website under the following link: https: //

Reports can be submitted electronically, in writing, by telephone or in person. Furthermore, you will find information on special reporting systems at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and the Federal Cartel Office, as well as information on the cases in which these special reporting offices are in charge.

    I would like to make a confidential reportI am confidentially seeking the advice of the trusted lawyer
    * I release W&R Weigell Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB or the lawyers working there from their duty of confidentiality as a lawyer and agree if the facts described below are passed on to the competent authority of the company to which my reference refers.I agree to the disclosure of my name and contact details to the company.I want to protect my identity - please do not share my name and contact details.Before I submit my report, I would like to talk to a lawyer from W&R Weigell Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB. Please contact me.

    Please indicate the exact name of the company for which W&R Weigell Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB acts as a lawyer of confidence/internal reporting channel.

    Please indicate your relationship to the company for which W&R Weigell Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB works as a lawyer of confidence/internal reporting channel. If you choose "Other", please explain this in more detail in the following information field.

    please select:*
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    Form of address

    First name

    Last name

    Email address *
    Street/house number
    Zip code/city
    * The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.